YES Legacy - Seventy Five Years of Acclaimed Experience of Excellence in Education

Seven decades ago, a dream was born. The dream to transform the educational map of the nation. It was in the year 1946 that the first of the series DCM School was established by the great visionary and philanthropist Late Shri M R Dass, the founder of the society. Since its inception, DCM has been committed to provide World Class Education to build a strong foundation for the young minds by fostering a spirit of life-long learning in them.

Over the years, DCM Schools have followed the holistic education approach aimed to develop the child’s all round personality and help them evolve as global citizens. Alongside an extremely high standard of academic environment, DCM Group has been laying an equal emphasis and continuous thrust on chiseling a distinct identity of every child. DCM offers cutting edge technology, futuristic vision, invigorating atmosphere, right blend of Indian ethos juxtaposed with Internationalism, which is duly reflected in its pedagogies, curriculum and coscholastic activities designed to take the students to the zenith of their potential. The entire curriculum is carefully crafted by a team of expert academicians, and the same is interwoven with a right blend of opportunities,comprehensive assessment and monitoring to raise the overall performance of the students. Various events like TED Talks, Model United Nations, Young Entrepreneurs Business Conclave, Open Mike, Spell Bee Contest, WIZTECH, Exhibitions, Heritage Walks, Track and Field activities are held from time to time to provide ample opportunities to all students to compete and excel in their areas of interest. Today, DCM Schools are recognized as the most progressive schools with an “out-of-the-box” approach and futuristic vision to provide 21st century education.

The hosts of awards and appreciations bestowed upon this group which includes International School Award (ISA) by the British Council for embedding International dimension in the School Curriculum, the National Award for Excellence in Education, the Best Chain of Schools in India award by ASSOCHAM (India), the Best Infrastructure of the Year by International School Awards Dubai, the National School Award for being the most Technically Advanced School, the South Asia Education Summit Award for Best School for Vocational Education & Training, the SKOCH Order of Merit for Best School Using Technology, Systemic Intervention and Innovative Practices etc, bears ample testimony to its best global practices.

Today, DCM Schools have evolved as “Citadels of Experiential Learning” Which are committed to develop the minds and initiative in the children.

With its rich legacy and acclaimed experience of more than seven decades, in furtherance in its pursuit to provide global educational standards, DCM has embarked on yet another initiative in the form of YES – Young Entrepreneurs School, which will transform the young students into successful professionals and dynamic leaders of the future in this rapidly evolving technology driven world.

YES Vision - From Cradle to Corporate

Young Entrepreneurs School- YES aims to redefine school education and rediscover the classrooms of the future. With its game changing approach to groom young minds for the Fourth industrial revolution, YES is poised to give a major fill the gap between the learning being imparted in the school and the needs of the industry.

DCM YES is going to be a cornerstone in the K12 space through its innovative pedagogies and strong academia- industry interface that will cultivate the kids and condition them to become gen-next entrepreneurs. YES will foster life-long learning, creativity, innovation, research and will help the students to become independent learners.It aims to develop a spirit of entrepreneurship in the students from the early stage itself.

DCM YES will provide World Class facilities and a unique education that goes beyond grades in a sprawling campus which will be best in the class. The entire blueprint, format and functioning of DCM YES is being designed under the able guidance of its highly acclaimed International Board of Advisors which include the best brains in the industry coming from various parts of the world.

DCM YES is a digitally networked school with a safe and secure environment, eco friendly design,hi-tech infrastructure, digitally equipped learning spaces, world class sports facilities, Centres for Experiential Learning, Innovation and Research, Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Technologies and beyond.

DCM YES School ensures all-round academic excellence and building resilient minds & encouraging positive perspective. It will help the children gain international exposure through virtual global tours and develop a strong character. YES inculcate a spirit of entrepreneurship in its students through hosts of uniquely designed programs and equips them with right blend of knowledge, skills and attitude from the very beginning. Underpinning 'The YES Way' - our six focal points are energised leadership, personalised learning, student growth, community, innovation and brilliant basics.

YES's International Board of Advisors

The International Board of Advisors at DCM YES includes World Leaders in Education and Industry who are coming on a common platform for the first time in the history to ideate and brainstorm the futuristic learning strategies at YES. The YES IBA brings forth shades and parameters and best practices from all over the world and incorporate the same in the ecosystem being provided at YES. Each member of IBA is an institution in himself and serves as a role model for our budding entrepreneurs and emulate them to achieve glory in their chosen fields in life.

The Cutting Edge

As the epicenter of the entrepreneurship ecosystem, YES aims to build a strong foundation of innovation and entrepreneurship to empower the next-generation to successfully incubate high-impact ventures. The core objective of YES is to focus on a unique way of imparting education, where children get accustomed to think rationally and imbibe values & discipline for the rest of their lives.For rethinking education, it’s imperative that we develop entrepreneurial skills in our students through new and creative ways of teaching and learning from primary school to higher education. The YES pedagogy focuses on bringing in a small shift in teaching strategies that promote creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking skills within students. The ultimate goal is to expose young minds to entrepreneurial education and take our nation into the league of developed countries.

At YES, we create an entrepreneurial culture where students are...

  1. Explicitly encouraged to question, experiment and observe to generate novel ideas where they are not afraid to take chances.
  2. Challenged through structured ideation efforts around specific topics, themes, or problems, and rewarded for taking smart risks in their pursuit of innovation.
  3. Provided opportunities to discover new solutions, experiment, refine and validate solutions, and empower to present their ideas and utilize the collective wisdom to validate and refine ideas.
  4. Given opportunities for hands-on experiential learning to build innovative capabilities and skills, which includes simulated exercises or real projects. Students get access to successful innovators, creative people, and entrepreneurs as their mentors.
  5. Given access to facilities through which ideas can be submitted, shared, developed, prototyped and piloted.