Incubation Cells

Accelerators and Incubators provide crucial support in the entrepreneurial course by giving access to mentors, working space, legal and I.P support, market validation and research and in many cases, funding. Accelerators and incubators are the fastest way to add credibility to a startup. If a student finds himself/herself evaluating a new business idea as part of their learning journey at YES, the incubation cell provides resources beyond the classroom.

DCM Schools offer Technology Incubation Cells (TICs) to the students from Gr. VI-XII. DCM-TICs are set up in collaboration with IIT-Ropar, a leading research institute of international repute.Under this program several DCMites have got opportunities to come up with viable solutions for outstanding issues in the society they live in and the TICs that are operative inside the school campus provided the much-needed impetus for them to translate their ideas into prototypes. A few of our student inventions have already been submitted for patent application and several more are lined up to get filed. DCM organizes annual IdeateFest, where hundreds of students pitch their startup ideas. As IdeateFest is a conglomeration of technical experts, scientists and angel investors, students get an opportunity to initiate their own startups during the school years. It is important to note that some of our students started making regular income from the projects they developed at DCM-TICs that covers their entire educational expenses.

Industry Interface

“An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly is the ultimate competitive advantage”

It is commonly agreed that education should aim at holistic development of an individual.Reports suggest that India at present needs a large base of skilled and competent manpower.There is, therefore, a dire need for industry - academic collaboration, sector-wise skill development, identification of courses and implementation of modular competency-based curriculum.

DCM Group of Schools aims at bringing revolutionary changes by restructuring the educational pedagogies required to produce 21st century global citizens. The core aim is to facilitate interaction between the students, academia and the magnates of the industry and also to satisfy the vocational needs of the students so that employability of the students who pass out of DCM schools is improved. Industry interface also engages learners through project works, field visits, attachment with industries, organizing industry expert visits and helps in developing right aptitude, ethics and qualities for being a skilled professional and/or a successful Entrepreneur.

Finishing School

While the technical skills that we learn may get us a foot in the door, it’s our people skills that will open most of the doors to come. Soft Skills enable us to respond to changes in positives, resilient ways, embrace the differences and seize new opportunities to achieve our goals successfully.

At DCM YES, along with the prescribed curriculum, we emphasize on training the all round personality of the students

Our training modules cover all aspects of social etiquette and behavior, image enhancement, interpersonal skills and communication, cross-cultural orientation, netiquette, dining decorum and other added soft skills for optimized performance for individuals’ at all professional and personal levels. These modules are coupled with sessions on understanding family values, discipline at home and at school, peer pressure and developing the art of saying “NO”.

The programs are handled by trainers with several years of experience and exposure in program design and delivery.

Financial Literacy

“Teaching kids to count is fine but teaching them what counts is the best.”

If you look around, parents and teachers focus a lot on teaching mathematics — they send kids to Vedic Math and Abacus classes to enable them to have numbers at their fingertips from a very young age.

Amidst all the subjects and extra coaching we provide, we should never forget to give them an important life skill — financial literacy. Many of us probably pay our children pocket money but we don’t realize that this is not teaching them about the value of money or how to manage it. They need to understand the power of money and the consequences of their decisions as to how they spend. It’s far better that they commit mistakes at a young age with smaller amounts than commit financial blunders when they grow up.

It has been felt for long that the school graduates need to be more literate financially . As we are aware that in many parts of the world, Financial Education is imparted from class VI onwards. Keeping in view the emphasis of Government of India on development of employability skills, DCM YES School is attempting a paradigm shift in school education from pure academics to orientation towards skill development and employability and therefore, has introduced various courses like Financial Literacy under Skill Education Program.

Soft Skills

Student Leadership

At DCM YES we believe that Leadership is about the art of motivating, influencing, and directing people so that they work together to achieve the goals of a team. It’s important for students to experience leadership opportunities during their school year, to learn the art of building relationships within teams, defining identities, and achieving tasks effectively. It also provides an opportunity to learn and display effective communication and interpersonal skills.

International Exposure


YES provides international learning opportunities to the students to accept and understand the world that is a cauldron of composite cultures.It is through the International Exchange programs that the School emboldens students to discover new ways of adaptability and learning to be able to be a part of the global world. These programs provide students with an exposure to become aware of multi-faceted approaches to learning and living.

We ensure that from early on, our students are enriched with a breadth of exposure to the real world and they are ready to step out into the multilayered environment of the 21 st century with confidence and relevant life skills. Therefore, a lot of emphasis is laid on learning international languages, student & faculty exchange programmes, International summits, online projects and study tours. Such programmes increase knowledge and foster a deeper appreciation for the other cultures . In accordance with this objective, learned delegates from various countries will visit the school for mutual exchange of knowledge. We also encourage Senior Managers, Principals and other stake holders to participate actively in various International workshops..

YES looks forward to giving the best and frequent global exposure to its students to shape them into confident Global Citizens through the EduJapan Cells, where the students get to know about the Japanese culture and its Eco System of Learning. They can participate in a host of activities as in learning the language, going for educational tours of Japanese establishments in India as well as Japan, organizing & attending Japanese conferences , paving the path for high value employment and entrepreneurial opportunities with a host of Japanese companies.

DCM Ideate Fest 2.0

At DCM we believe that whether a child wants to become a marketer with an exciting new campaign idea or an entrepreneur with a society-shifting innovation or even an edupreneur with a heroic improvement to the existing model, one has to be good at pitching their ideas in the best possible way. In this endeavor, an initiative has been launched by the name DCM IDEATE FEST after successful tie ups with several higher education research institutes such as IIT Ropar, Thapar University etc. The first edition of DCM IDEATE FEST was held on November 28, 2020. Carrying the same legacy forward this year, again we are giving a unique manifesto to foster the spirit of entrepreneurship through DCM IDEATE FEST 2.0 to be held on January 16, 2023.

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